Chemical & Metallurgical Engineering Faculty, Department of Food Engineering, Maslak Campus Maslak/Istanbul - TURKEY
Maslak Campus Maslak/Istanbul - TURKEY Fax:+90 212 285 7333
- 1996-1999: Ph.D. Cornell University, New York, USA
- Major: Food Science and Technology
- Minors: Biochemistry, Food Safety, Food Engineering
- 1994-1996: M.S. Cornell University, New York, USA
- Major: Food Science and Technology
- Minor: Food Engineering
- 1988-1992:B.S. Food Engineering, Ankara University, TURKEY
2017- Prof. (Istanbul Technical University-Istanbul,TURKEY)
2015-2017 Prof. (Suleyman Demirel University, Isparta, TURKEY)
Investigation of molecular effects of non-thermal plasma applications on seeds and seedlings (TUBITAK-DPT)
Establishment of a Central Laboratory Molecular Biology at Suleyman Demirel University based on ISO 17025 (SDU)
Application of non-thermal UV-C processes in fruit juices
Application of interrupted-Pulsed Electric Field in organic and commercial vinegar production
Project Partner:
Innovative process technology applications in food processing (SDU)
Air and SF6 plasma applications for fungal aflatoxin intoxication (SDU-TUBITAK)
Alternative-non-invasive detection method development for detection aflatoxins (ODTU-SDU)
Characterization of Pichia stipitis xylosidase enzyme from and hyperactive mutant (SDU)
Molecular Characterization of Lactase producing cultures in traditional Turkish dairy products
Characterization of Eurygaster proteinase activity (TUBITAK-Hacettepe University)
National survey on public attitudes towards Genetically Modified Organisms-GMOs (SDU-Ankara Univ.)
2013 Sabbatical Leave, Hiroshima University/JAPAN
Innovative process applications during hazelnut processing 2010 Summer Sabbatical Leave. Cornell University/USA
Purification, characterization and application of chitinase enzyme for fungal inhibition
2005-2006 Scientific Officer (European Commission/BELGIUM)
EC, Joint Research Center, Sustainability in Food, Agriculture and Environment Unit
Project Co-Coordinator: Molecular Pharming Opportunities and Challenges
Current Research and Development Status of Genetically Modified Plants (European Commission, 2006)
2004 Visiting Scientist (Washington State University/USA)
Project Participant:
Characterization of microbial transglutaminase enzyme and its application in dielectric treatments
2001-2002 Rearch Assistant (ARO-Volcani Center/ISRAEL)
Molecular identification and charactarization of Fusarium oxysporum mutants
1999-2000 Post-Doctoral research NYSAES (NY Sta. Agr. Exp. St, NY/USA)
-Characterization of an elicitor protein against tobacco infections (HR Response)
-Application of Gene silencing method against Agrobacterium vitis infections on grape vines
-Identification of transgenic grape lines by using PCR and ELISA.
1996-1999 Ph.D. Research (Cornell University)
Research Project:
Identification, characterization, cloning and sequencing of Xylanese gene from Pichia stipitis (General microbiology, HPLC, Western blotting, Southern hybridization, PCR, cloning, antibody production, protein blotting, chromatography, protein purification and characterization, fermentation, side directed and random mutagenesis)
1994-1996 M.S. Research (Cornell University)
Research Project: Sequence diversity among Lactococcal xylose isomerases (Sreening of lactic acid bacteria using general microbiology, RAPD, PCR, cloning and sequencing of xylose isomerase gene from three sub-species of lactic acid bacteria.)
- Honors student (1st place) Department of Food Engineering, Ankara University ’92.
- National MS-PHD Scholarship Recipient from Turkish Ministry of Education ’93-99
- Representative at IFT Refrigerated and Frozen Foods Division ’98-’99.
- Representative at IFT Ethnic and Religious Foods Division ‘98-‘99.
- Israeli Government Mashav Fellowship Recipient 2002.
- Representative at Plant Biotechnology Applications Unit (Turkish National Science Foundation)
- Invited Participant NATO ASI Meeting “Novel Processes and Control Technologies in the Food Industry” TURKEY, 2000.
- FP6 Travel Grants (TUBITAK) National Science Foundation 2003, 2004, 2005, and 2006)
- Turkish Science Foundation (TÜBİTAK) EU FP6 Collaboration Support (FP6) , 2004, 2006, 2008
- Turkish Science Foundation (TÜBİTAK), International Travel Grant, Las Vegas USA, 2004
- Turkish Science Foundation (TÜBİTAK), International Travel Grant, Greece, 2005.
- Socrates-Erasmus Exchange Scholar Warsaw Agricultural University-Polond, 2005.
- Israeli Government Mashav Fellowship Recipient, 2006.
- Socrates-Erasmus Exchange Scholar Thlasniki Technical University-Greece, 2005 and 2007.
- Invited Participant NATO ASI Meeting-Plasma Applications in Biological Sciences, Turkey, 2007.
- United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB) Scholarship Italy, 2008
- International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB) Biosafety Workshop Scholarship Recipient, Italy 2010
- Turkish Public Survey towards Genetically Modified Foods, 2010, Arjantin, International society for biosafety research, 11th International Symposiım on the biosafety of Genetically Modified Organisms (ISBGMO) Buenos Aires, Arjantin, 2010.
- ICGEB, International Fellowship recipient. Biotechnology and Intellectual Properties-asuccesfull liaision for innovation,Warsaw, Polond, 2011.
- Invited Participant. EFSA-COGEM workshop 'Non-target organisms and GM crops: Assessing the effect of Bt proteins, November 29-30 Amsterdam, Netherland, 2012.
- Advanced Summer School on Nutrition and Diseases: Biochemical and Molecular Insight. International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB) Biosafety Workshop Scholarship Recipient, South Africa, 2012.
- Invited Sabbatical Scientist. Hiroshima University, Department of Biofunctional Science and Technology, Hiroshima, July1-September 1, Hiroshima, Japan, 2013.
- Invited Participant. Turkish Representative. European Food Safety Agency. Risk assessment considerations for RNAi-based GM plants, June, Brussels, Belgium, 3-5, 2014.
- Invited participant. VLAG Course "Biorefinery for Biomolecules", University of Wageningen, Wageningen, The Netherlands, April 15-18, 2015.